Uniforms & Meals
We have a uniform which is comfortable to wear, appropriate for activities and convenient for parents. Everything - except shoes - can be bought directly from the school office. Please speak to the office if you would like to purchase second hand uniform.
Below is a list of all uniform items as well as PE kit required by all children.
School Uniform
white polo shirt
navy blue sweatshirt or cardigan
grey or black trousers or skirt
blue gingham dress or grey pinafore
black shoes
black or blue headscarf
PE Kits
navy blue tshirt
black or grey jogging bottoms
black trainers
black or navy hijab cap
Please look at the menus we have on offer at school. These work on a rolling three week cycle. If you would like your child to receive a school dinner, please inform the office staff of this and pay for the meals using Parent Pay.
If your child recieves free school meals - or you think you may be eligible - please let a member of the admin team know who can help you arrange this.