Religious Eductation

'My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.'

Dalai Lama

At Chandos, Religious Education is taught as part of a wider, rich and balanced curriculum, with dedicated lesson time given to its teaching. Every year group will learn about Christianity as well as at least one other religion. Each year, children will also visit a place of religious worship. 

Every child, regardless of gender, race or ability will have equal access to the RE Curriculum. We aim to provide for all children so that they can achieve their best according to their individual needs, whether they need additional support or more challenge.

Curriculum Intent

At Chandos, we

Curriculum Implementation

At Chandos, we follow the Discovery RE programme of study for the teaching of RE, which is a whole school approach covering the comprehensive and broad knowledge and skills that the children a required to learn from the National Curriculum. 

Below you will find an overview of the teaching of RE, including EYFS. 

RE Year Group Overview.pdf

Curriculum Impact

At Chandos, we aim to equip our children for their future in a world that is constantly changing and adapting. Through their RE lessons, children will develop their understanding of the world that we live in and understand that there are more religions than just their own. Children will be given the opportunity for discussion and debate where they will be encouraged to take on different responsibilities and to kindly challenge ideas they do not agree with, giving reasons for this. However, children will learn that difference is okay and accept people for this.

Ultimately, we want to have given our children the skills that they need to be tolerant global citizens who can make a difference in the world. By talking to children, it will be evident that this is the case. 

For more information... 

Miss Smith is our RE Lead. 

Please feel free to speak to her with any questions that you may have.