
Our English Curriculum Principals 

The EYFS Statutory Framework and the National Curriculum guides English planning, teaching and learning at Chandos. Our English teaching sequences allow for a balance between the teaching of technical and transcriptional skills alongside composition. At the heart of our English planning, teaching and learning, we use high quality and age appropriate texts. The teaching of grammar is explicit and contextualised to the book children are reading. Explicit teaching of reading comprehension is part of the teaching sequence and daily English lesson. 

Children at Chandos are taught to write with stamina and increased independence; they write complete compositions regularly. We aim to use modelled and shared teaching approaches throughout the teaching sequences to support all children's learning. Spelling and handwriting are taught discreetly and are planned for as part of the lesson. 

The texts we have used in English so far... 

(Academic year 2023/2024)


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

For more information... 

Miss Devlin is our English lead. 

Please feel free to speak to her with any questions that you may have.