‘The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple.’
S. Gudder
At Chandos, we aim for all children to leave our school with the ability to reason, explain and apply their mathematical understanding. In order to do this, we have adopted a mastery approach when teaching maths, through the use of White Rose Maths, so that we promote an in depth understanding of concepts for all children.
Every child, regardless of gender, race or ability will have equal access to the Maths Curriculum at all times. We aim to provide for all children so that they achieve their best according to their individual needs, whether they need additional support or more challenge.
How do we plan our learning?
Teachers follow and use White Rose Maths resources and sequences of lessons when planning units of work.
Every year group begins by teaching place value, followed by the four operations as these are key to all other aspects of Maths.
Lessons are structured following a ‘Ready, Steady, Go’ model - this allows for clear progression within and across lessons as children move from basic skill fluency (Ready), to problem solving (Steady) and finally into reasoning (Go). Children may also have an extra level called ‘Turbo’ where they apply their mathematical knowledge to real life and test style questions. A lesson may see each level obtained but may also have a specific focus or starting points. At Chandos, we recognise the importance of both mental and formal written calculations so we teach them alongside one and other.
Within lessons, teachers are expected to adopt a CPA approach in their teaching. This means that they must include concrete, pictorial and abstract elements into their teaching and into the activities children are given. Please click the CPA button at the bottom of the page to see more information on this.
How do we assess our learning?
Weekly Multiplication Tests
At Chandos, we formally assess children’s Maths knowledge every term - three points in the year. At the end of every term, children complete an NTS assessment including an Arithmetic and at least one Reasoning test.
Teachers then use these tests to see which objectives children can complete independently. Other independent tasks taken into account are White Rose Flashback Fours which are completed daily as well as weekly teacher-made 'I Can statements'. Both of these tasks are mini-assessments which assess previously taught content.
Teachers then use this information to help inform their assessment judgements and to highlight off objectives achieved in the curriculum. Once data has been submitted, the Maths Leads moderate teacher’s judgements. They then meet with class teachers to discuss children who are off track and create a plan of intervention aiming to close the gap before the next assessment checkpoint. This is then reviewed and updated at the end of each half term by the Maths Leads and Deputy Head Teachers.
All children in KS1 and KS2 take part in MATHlympics and Times Table Rock Stars. This is a weekly, timed activity that assesses children’s basic knowledge and times table abilities to prepare all children to take their Multiplication Test in Year 4. As children move through the school, their MATHlympics levels follow them. See the above slide show for more information.
In EYFS, all Maths objective evidence is stored on ‘Tapestry’. For more information about EYFS Maths see the EYFS page.
For more information...
Miss Connolly is our Maths leads.
Please feel free to speak to her with any questions that you may have.