Remote Learning

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, we have been working using Google Classroom as our remote learning offer. 

All children at Chandos, have a Google login so that the classroom can be accessed. This can be done on a laptop, tablet or phone device. If a whole class 'bubble' closes, then your child's classroom will be run by Chandos staff. However, if it is just your child(ren) who test positive, then you will be offered learning for them by the TEFAT Virtual School.

For support accessing Google Classroom on your deviced, please watch the relevant video below. If you are still having difficulties, please contact the school office who will support you over the phone or arrange a meeting with a member of staff to help set it up in school in compliance with government guidance. 

Once the classroom has been accessed, children can access their work.

For support with using the Google Classroom, have a look at the slide show to the right. 

If you need support, please contact the school office and your child's teacher will get back to you. 

Please familiarise yourself with the guidance below before you begin accessing the work provided.


Please contact your child's class teacher for more information or with any questions you may have.