Relationship, Health Education

‘A healthy relationship will not require you to sacrifice your friends, your dreams or your dignity.’ 

Mandy Hale

At Chandos, we teach the Relationship, Health Education (RHE) set out by the Department for Education using 'The Birmingham Approach to Relationships and Health Education in Primary Schools'. These lessons are a statutory requirement for all primary aged pupils.

This program of study places a strong emphasis on the personal development and mental well-being of our pupils, which we believe is just as important as the academic subjects taught in school. It also provides pupils with opportunities to engage in a range of activities that will not only enrich their lives but equip them with the skills needed for life in modern British society and the global community. 

By fostering positive attitudes and qualities that enable our children to become confident, caring, respectful and responsible citizens, this scheme of work also complemented our work to achieve our current Bronze status as a Rights Respecting School.

Curriculum Intent

At Chandos, we

Curriculum Implementation

By following the agreed syllabus of work, every year group is provided with a comprehensive set of lesson plans with activities and suggested resources attached. Throughout the year - at planned periods of time or when an issue arises within the class - children are taught the lessons, which cover themes such as families, friendships, stereotypes and online relationships. In Year 5 and 6, children receive a lesson on puberty. 

It should be noted that, in the National Curriculum, children may also be taught sex education in Year 6 - this is an optional unit of teaching. As a school, we have made the decision not to teach this. If we were to reconsider this, we would consult with our parents first, giving them the option to withdraw their child from this session. 

Yearly Overviews

Every year group has between 5-7 sessions that need to be taught during the acadmic year. For specific lesson plans, please click the buttons to the relevant year group pages. 

Below, you will find the planning overview of sessions and selection of books we have bought to support the teaching of the RHE curriculum. 


Year 1 Overview


Year 2 Overview


Year 3 Overview


Year 4 Overview


Year 5 Overview


Year 6 Overview

RHE Books

Selection of texts to accompany teaching

Curriculum Impact

At Chandos, we aim to equip our children for their future in a world that is constantly changing and adapting. Through their RHE lessons, children will develop their understanding of positive and negative relationships and will be able to express what to do if they do not feel safe or comfortable in a relationship. Children will question and challenge stereotypes and be encouraged to confidently ask questions about things they do not understand.

Ultimately, we want to have given our children the skills that they need to make a difference in the world. 

By talking to children, it will be evident that this is the case. 

For more information... 

Miss Smith is our PSHE/RHE Lead. 

Please feel free to speak to her with any questions that you may have.