
‘Cherish the natural world because you're part of it and you depend on it.’ 

Sir David Attenborough

The word Geography comes from Geo - the earth and graphos - meaning to write. Therefore, Geography can be defined as writing about the Earth. 

Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments. We want every child, regardless of gender, race or ability to have equal access to the Geography Curriculum. We aim to provide for all children so that they can achieve their best according to their individual needs, whether they require additional support or more challenge.  In order to do this, we encourage a hands on, practical approach when teaching Geography where we encourage the children to find answers for themselves by looking at maps and researching using various sources of information. 

Curriculum Intent

At Chandos, we

Curriculum Implementation

At Chandos, we teach our wider curriculum through the learning challenge model. Each new topic begins with a 'big question', which the children aim to seek the answer to by asking a series of smaller questions. To find the answers to these, children take part in knowledge-led experiences which allow them to increase their understanding of concepts as well as learn and master new skills, therefore deepening their understanding of the world

We want to empower our children to find answers for themselves and so pride ourselves on creating opportunities for children to ask questions, conduct research, and to look at a variety of sources of information such as maps and atlases. Giving our children hands-on, practical learning experiences allows them to expand their knowledge in exciting and engaging ways as well as develop a secure understanding of new geographical terminology and concepts. 

Early Years

The Early Years Curriculum ensures that Geography is taught through ‘Understanding the World’.  

Throughout their time in Early Years,  children are given the knowledge and skills to experience and talk about the natural world that surrounds them.  Seasonal changes; celebrations/festivals around the world; trips in the local area; families and visitors; and a wide variety of stories all allow children to experience new vocabulary and learning opportunities on a daily basis.

KS1 and KS2 Yearly Overviews

Every year group has three learning challenges which focus on an aspect of Geography from the National Curriculum (Location knowledge, place knowledge, physical geography, human geography and also geographical skills eg reading maps).

Year One 

Year Two

Year Three 

Year Four

Year Five 

Year Six

Geography Skills To Be Developed

Through the learning challenge model, all children at Chandos will be taught the four geographical skills that are outlined in the National Curriculum alongside their developing geographical knowledge. Throughout their education, children will make links to the skills they have learnt in previous year groups and build on these year on year. 

Children will use maps, atlases, globes and digital mapping to identify and locate differnet continents, oceans and countries. 

Children will be able to use the eight points of a compass and develop directional language. They will learn to use grid references and read symbols on a map to plan routes or give directions. 

Children will use aerial photographs to recognise landmarks, turning these into simple maps with a basic symbol key.

Children will have the opportunity to undertake fieldwork where they will identify the physical and human geography of our local area, recording this information in a range of methods. 

Curriculum Impact

At Chandos, we aim to instil a love of learning through our broad and exciting geography curriculum by encouraging children to develop ideas and ask questions for themselves and to communicate what they have learnt at every opportunity. We want children to gain an understanding the world around them.

At the end of every learning challenge, children will have the opportunity to respond the the 'big question'. This is their opportunity to demonstrate and express what they have learnt during their topic by explaining geographical concepts, knowledge and terminology and to show everybody how they have mastered the geographical skills they have been taught. By talking to children and looking at their books, it will be evident that this is the case. 

For more information... 

Miss Joyce is our Geography Lead.

Please feel free to speak to her with any questions that you may have.