Design Technology

'Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.'

Steve Jobs

At Chandos, we aim for all children to leave our school with the ability to create using a wide variety of tools and using a range of materials, through a curriculum which builds on skills year on year.

Every child, regardless of gender, race or ability will have equal access to the Art Curriculum. We aim to provide for all children so that they can achieve their best according to their individual needs, whether they need additional support or more challenge.

Curriculum Intent

At Chandos, we

Curriculum Implementation

At Chandos, we teach our wider curriculum through the learning challenge model. Each topic begins with a 'big question', which the children aim to seek the answer to by asking a series of smaller questions - in DT, these questions are based around a particular area of 'design and make' which takes place at the end of a term. Children then explore using a variety of tools and a range of materials, finally producing their own product in the style of and influenced by others they have researched and studied. 

We want to empower our children to be as creative as they possibly can be and pride ourselves on creating opportunities for children to ask questions, express themselves, and to design and create products.

Early Years

The Early Years Curriculum ensures that DT is taught through ‘Expressive Art and Design’.  

Throughout their time in Early Years,  children are given the opportunity to explore using different materials and to express themselves creatively. Through building, children not only begin to learn how to use real life tools but also to design and make products to evaluate as well as develop their fine motor skills too. 

KS1 and KS2 Yearly Overviews

Every year group has one learning challenges which focus on famous artist, designer or architect. 

These are as follows: 

Year One 

Taking Flight

Moving Vehicles

Weather Dials

Year Two 

Pudding Lane Bakery

Animal Puppets

Moving Pictures

Year Three 

Egyptian Bread


Kite Making

Year Four 


Product Packaging


Year Five 


Ski Lift

Protest Fashion

Year Six 

Viking Longship

World Food


DT Skills To Be Developed

At Chandos, pupils will be taught to develop their design technology techniques through experimentation, including to control and use the tools and materials they are using. 

Children will be taught the skills outlined in the National Curriculum: design, make, evaluate, technical knowledge and cooking. They will use these skills to create their own products

They are as follows:

research and develop design ideas to create purposeful, functional and appealing products

select and use a variety of tools and materials to perform practical tasks

investigate and research a range of existing products to help inform own design 

build structures understanding how to strenghten, stiffen and reinforce their products

prepare and cook a healthy and balanced meal

Curriculum Impact

At Chandos, we aim to instil a love of learning through our broad and exciting DT curriculum by encouraging children to develop ideas, communicate what they have learnt produce final products. Children gain an understanding of how products are created and work. 

Children will have the opportunity to respond the the unit of work being studied by creating a 'final product' which will be evaluted by themselves and/or the class. This is their chance to demonstrate and express what they have learnt during their unit of work.

For more information... 

Mrs Barber and Miss Blake are our Arts Leads.

Please feel free to speak to her with any questions that you may have.